Steve Shakespeare's Outlook On The Legal Market
29 Jun, 20215 Minutes
Summer is usually a time when those in the legal sector begin to look forward to a temporary respite in the pace of work – holidays are imminent, and a well-earned rest is on the horizon. This year, like last year, is likely to be a little less typical, but nonetheless it appears it is prompting a great deal of reflection in terms of aspirations and career objectives in the legal sector.
There are those who regard themselves as fortunate to still have a role, or those who feel they have been well cared for over the past 15 months. Others feel some of the enforced changes have actually improved their quality of life, given better balance and a fresh injection of enthusiasm towards their career. Unfortunately, there are others who have felt a little let down by actions or expectations of their employer – which are sometimes at odds with official guidance – which has promoted a revalued their careers and priorities.
Candidate Review -
In my quest to change practice area to commercial law, Steve provided expert guidance and support. This ultimately led to me securing an offer for an in-house commercial role. 2 years on and it was the best move I could have made! Throughout the process Steve was extremely professional, transparent and reliable. He was quick to respond and actively updated me throughout the recruitment process. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to businesses and potential candidates alike.
The effect of the pandemic on recruitment has been significant in many ways – none more so than the actual process - which has had to adapt and has been made far less formal. There are likely to be alternatives in the market, offering something a bit more in line with your needs/expectations. And it's no longer a case of needing absolute commitment, getting suited and taking leave to go through an official interview. Employers are on the look-out for talent and having a professional and discreet consultant as a go between can help arrange confidential, no-obligation communications……..its worth thinking about?
There will be alternatives out there...